Monday, November 10, 2008


As requested by one of my bestest friends, I am, writing another entry after almost 3 months of silence..
I put the title as acclimatization with a question mark because I totally run out of ideas what to write as the title and I dont want to spend time thinking about such a trivial thing when I should really be focusing on my assignments and the upcoming is acclimatization because I'm hoping that by writing this entry I could familiarize my brain with writing reflective essays which form major part of my assignments..that is due tomorrow...11th Nov..
I just managed to convince my friends WanZu and Hiswani to join our Single Until 25 Club Trip to KK this January..I'm sorry Koy that you wont be able to join us..but I assure U, we could arrange another trip if you're back in Malaysia and I'm still around..It sounds 'poyo' to name ur club as such but somehow I secretly wish that I could commit to the name that I've given..anyway, I just realised that all those who join our first club activity are the ones who have never been in a relationship (at least to my best knowledge)...funny..aahahahahaha...I'm so excited about this trip even though I've been to KK twice...I can't wait to start planning but I can't do that just yet...I need to wait till the exam's over..this should be another good reason as to why I should be studying hard!!

When I woke up this morning..(only it wasnt was 2pm)..I was planning not to sleep at all tonight and write those essays...I planned to make myself busy all day until it is night time and then I would be able to fall asleep easily after Isyak prayer..I have been wanting(actually I put trying but deleted it as I think I may not try as hard) to wake up early and lead an ideal life-perform Subuh prayer, go for a jog, study...but it is really hard as I couldnt fall asleep until at least 2am...
now that it's already 3am...I started to feel sleepy and I haven't even started writing the essays...I'm bargaining with myself, I could go to sleep now n then write some of the essays tomorrow, n then on tuesday, I still have a few hours before Professor Smith's tute...I'm sure my brain would be functioning very well under the pressure.. I would surely be able to write a few thousand words when I know I need to...

What should I do now??


  1. i'd say.. keep on bargaining! ko mmg cmni since skolah lagipon!tp buleh je survive everytime.
    ye,aku pasrah saje tak dpt ikot korang.tah2 mase tu aku kat bali tgh bersantai2 di tepi pantai.hahahha.
    nway, congrats bjaye post new entry.hehe

  2. aku rase cool je title blog aku...
    let it be...nnt kalo aku dh jd rajin menules blog..aku tukar laa...
    adeiii...dh 8jam selepas post entry blog nih aku still x buat lg assignmnt...bargaining2...
    ye laa koy...skang cam x bape stabil je nk g day kite pegi aa...
