Wednesday, August 26, 2009


3 weeks remains before I'll be home for Eid...which also means I have 1++ weekbefore I'll be leaving this GP land..and within these days I'm gonna be busy with all those assignments..(x suke2...xsuke...x suke)

For the past 3 weeks I have been to going to a different GP as Dr Lori was away on her holiday....lucky me, I was placed with Dr Ebrahim..At first, I tried keeping my expectation low so as not to be disappointed if he turns out not to be a Muslim or if he was only just born Muslim but doesnt observed the teachings of prophet Muhammad..It was interesting that in this practice, there were 2 Dr Ebrahim(s)...Dr A Ebrahim (my GP) & his father, Dr E Ebrahim...

On my first day, while I was having my lunch in the pantry, I heard azan coming from one the drawers...Yayy, they kept an azan clock...I said to myself, this is a good sign!Dr E Ebrahim offered me to have his sandwich, which was cut into 4!(cute gile!)..he said to me, "it's halal u know.."Dr E Ebrahim is a such a gentleman...he reminds me of my own granddad who is 6 years older than him..yes, Dr E Ebrahim is old, he's 78!!

While I was there, I met quite a number of Muslims patients...they all came from different ethnicities...Bosnian, Bangladeshi, Somalian, Sudanese, Afghans etc..

Not only Muslims, I had the opportunity to meet this man who identified himself as a Noahide...I bet none of u have heard of this religion...Dr Ashraf (I like to refer to him as Dr Ashraf although by convention, the title Dr should be followed by the person's surname) asked this guy to tell us 7 principles of Noahide which he failed to list we end up googling Noahide as Dr Ashraf was really to know how many followers they have out there...after skimming through the article on wiki..

Dr A: We also believe in all these things that u, Noahide believe, why don't you become a Muslim..

Mr X: No, I don't wanna get into anything serious...

Dr A: There are many Muslims around...I'm a Muslim, Munirah is a Muslim...& tomorrow we will start fasting...come on my friend, you're gonna be behind...

Mr X: Owh, is it tomorrow? I'm gonna be fasting anyway, because of my tongue (he has thrush which causes pain when swallowing)

Dr A: possibly...You know you can go to monash university every friday during Ramadhan and join the Muslims breaking their fast..You don't have to become a Muslim..everyone is invited...

Mr X: ok2...No promise, but I'll think about it...

Cool kan jd GP?..bleh berdakwah camtuh je..

I had a few conversations with Dr Ashraf about Islam & Muslims...Although, when he mentioned some Arab words I always took some time to before I can compute the words into our Malaysianised Arabic...i.e fiqh=feqah, najas=najis

Dr A: I think there are so many 'fiction fiqh' among muslims..U know what I mean?

Me : No...

Dr A: Do you learn fiqh?

Me(sungguh malu rase di hati kerana mengambil mase lame utk fiqh=feqah)

Me : yeahh...

Dr A: U know, "someone said, u can't do this"...(bla bla bla)...there's always someone said...


sume bende kat atas nih sy tules almost 2 minggu lepas...although ade byk lg bende yg sy rase nk tules tp dh mls aa plak sbb entry nih cam dh basi...

xpe laa, sy tambah sket aa..

on my last day with Dr Ashraf, I got the chance to do PR exam...per-rectum exam....self-explanatory laa kan what that involves...slalunye PR exam nih akan dibuat when patients present with PR bleeding or utk check abnormalities in the prostate...mase kitorg buat sexual & reproductive health week tuh, dlm tute Male Pelvic Model Dr Wijesingha tanye sume org sape yg penah buat PR exam..mostly bdak2 mat salleh tuh dh buat laa...lalu die pon suro sume yg x buat lg make buat PR exam b4 grad..I'm sure other med students in other parts of the world dh biase PR exam..hanye mereka yg malas pegi hospital n x proactive spt sy sahaje yg ketinggalan...

peluang sy dtg mase hari terakhir bersame Dr Ashraf...patient nih umo dlm 70thn aa...last week die dh buat PSA test (prostate specific antigen) n didapati PSA die raised...lalu kene laa buat PR...
Dr A : remember the last time I said I might do a PR exam on you?
Patient X: mmm...yeahh...
Dr A : looks like thats what we're gonna do today..
Patient X: why dont u let this lady do it...she would have smaller fingers...
Dr A : emm..I don't think so...
(di saat itu sy ade berapa saat sahaje, sekiranye sy tidak berkata apa2, peluang ini akan terlepas begitu sahaje...)
Saya : Can I have a go?
(di kala ini patient tuh dh duduk di sebalik tirai di atas katil while Dr A n me kat luar...)
Dr A : Mr X, is it ok if she has a go?
Patient X: Fine with me...
Dr A : Ok...put on the an inexperienced hands, u need to wear both gloves..bla-bla-bla...

Itulah ceritenye, dpt laa sy buat PR...walopon sy mcm x laa reti nk appreciate camane prostate tuh rase...x same pon cam model!!!I'm sure sume doctors dh boring buat PR n nk termuntah dh bile kene buat PR tp bg student cam sy nih mmg perlu buat byk2 br bleh tahu ape normal ape x....

Ok laa dah laa...panjang gile dh kot...

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