Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy birthday to you!!
I tried calling U at 3 different numbers but I guess U no longer used those..maybe mase ko kasik ur new number I didn't save it and thought that I might just copy from ym archive later but didn't get round to doing it...anyway, have a great day...(err...almost over dh pon)...
It has been so long since the last time we met..(yup..2 yrs ago)..nih je gamba kite yg aku ade..
All the best for ur future n the hereafter...Thanks for the friendship!

1 comment:

  1. oh dear aku dah sedih2 siap nangis2 sume on my bday..panjang citer n one of the reasons sbb ko x wish jugak la. pastu skrg baru tringat nak bukak blog ko..n u r already in bed...sorrrrryyyyyy sangat2...i'm pretty sure i did text you my latest number..will ym u later. and aku pun ade pic tuh je of us...sedih kan kita...must2 meet up end this yr insyaAllah. take care muni...thanks again...catch up after my presentation...doa aku plz. :)
