Friday, March 20, 2009


I had a conversation with a friend yesterday about how I can't be bothered spending my time cooking starting from this year as I'm getting busy with clinical placements...-not that I shouldn't be when I was in 3rd yr....
I happened to have pictures of some of the simple meals I cooked during weekdays...which will take around 30mins to make...say hello to laziness!!and career women!ahahha


  1. pebende yang ko masak tuhh.. yg gamba seken tu paling membuat aku tertanye2.. Aku pon malass dah nak masak, slalu mkn kedai, takpon g bakar ayam.

  2. adekah 1st n 3rd picture tuh su'un? nyumm. aku still rajin masak. siap masak extra masuk freezer. untuk masa depan. hebat tak?

  3. is- yg second tuh adelah ikan...aku bli fillet kat aldi...pastu aku marinate ngan kunyit n garam..aku grill..pastu aku wat sambil belacan & potong carrot
    ijah-yes, that's su'un...that was like kerabu udang aa...
