Thursday, March 12, 2009


I haven't been writing for a few days...doesn't feel like writing or shall I say typing?..
Anyway, I'm on mentor week this week in which I have to shadow a senior registrar for this whole week...My mentor is a lady!this is the first time I work with female senior O&G doctor as all of the consultants at Angliss are males..her name is Raji..
Raji let me to sit in a room in the delivery suite throughout her whole shift (830am-5pm)..although I do take almost 1 hr break for lunch & Zuhur prayer...
The patient that I was with came in for induction of labour at 36weeks as she was carrying monochorionic diamniotic twins (the twins are sharing the same placenta but they are in two different amniotic sacs) which means that they have greater chance of miscarriage, pre-term labour, fetal abnormality and intrauterine growth restrictions...
I enjoyed being in the room with the mother as she was very friendly...the father kept on teasing the her saying that he wants her to get pregnant again after this ones, carrying triplets..and he wants them to be identical boys and a girl...the father is a Jew who came from Israel but the wife is not...As I have always been prejudiced with the Jews, I was relieved that we didn't talk about his background apart from how weird his name is spelt as it is Moroccan..
7 hours after the induction, the mother gave birth to Eden & Ariel vaginally...Eden is the first twin with cephalic presentation and Ariel is the second twin who had an assisted delivery as she was was a quick labour with both twins less than 10minutes apart...
It was a magical moment as always when they put both twins on the monther's chest with the father looking at the three of them...(for a moment, I forgot that they are jews!..I just hope they will be the nice ones...after all, if the father is a true Zion he wouldn't have left Israel for Australia in the first place..)

This morning, I went to the Maternal-Fetal Medicine clinic which deals with high-risk pregnancies..
One of the patients we had is a woman carrying triplets. Both Raji and me are surprised that they are conceived spontaneously (without IVF)!!two of them are girls and the other one is a boy...the good news is they are trichorionic and triamniotic meaning that they all have their own sacs and placentas..

Having seen two consecutive multiple pregnancies makes me think of how great it is carrying triplets! It would have been a great thing to happen to someone who doesn't have the chance to become pregnant for as long as others (I'm thinking of my fellow meddies)...let's say of you don't want to become pregnant after you're 35 as the risks for both baby and mother is increased, u can just become pregnant twice to have 4 children.. I think single gestation would be ideal for the first pregnancy and then triplets for the second one...and U can have both pregnancies 3-5 years apart...and U can quit your job for a few years and then return to work once you're ready...

If only we can plan these things on a paper and it will happen spontaneously...

but then life won't be life if we knew what's gonna happen in the future..


  1. skrg beranak twins ni mcm dh jadik trend kan. kalu aku nak 10org, aku kena beranak 5 kali la. hehe. but then, you're right. plan mcm mane pun, Allah yang tentukan.

  2. hello!! eden and ariel, i love both names :)
