Sunday, March 1, 2009


I had a great fun swimming today....
I didn't count exactly how many laps I did but I think it should fall between 8-10...
Would like to do more but we had to go home early for Maghrib...
If only I had a swimming pool at my own would be easier to lose weight!

I found this boy at the changing room crying as his mom is in the toilet...
His older sister tried to cuddle him but she's only a few inches taller than him..I'm afraid she might fall over so I offered to cuddle him...Thank God he stopped crying...(If he didn't, I think I would run away ASAP...before his mom came out of the toilet...certainly don't wanna be responsible for his crying!!)

(I think I should change the blog name...I found myself posting something even when I don't have anything interesting to write)


  1. yeah u should change ur blog name..dah x malas aku tgk..makin rajin update..i like!
    comel gile budak tuh!!!!!!huhu

  2. name die Adam!!anak pak arab sume comel2!!

  3. ni bukan bulan malas dah ni..more like bulan terlebih rajin. anyway ko nak pool at ur backyard eh? aku plak nak my own private gym complete with both cardio n strength equipment. confirm kita dua kena kawin dgn millionaire! haha

  4. good luck in finding ur millionaire...aku cukup aa g lepak kat umah ko je...hehehehhe

  5. aku tatau nape moony, tapi bile aku tgk budak ni aku rase mcm deja vu. mcm penah tengok. familiar gile.hmmmm....

  6. dr perempuan memang lawa2....
    pelik btol aku...

  7. angoh, all the best in your weight lost quest!!
    do update me on your goals!! hihi

  8. haha k long, i actually lost 2kilos within the past 5 weeks of konon2 bz kat hospital...
    tp within this week yg sgt relax nih cam dh gain blk!!
    my goal: nk turun 8 kilos before i got married...sounds reasonable??
    cara2nye buat2 lupe nk mkn n byk jalan kaki kat spital..n maybe jogging kalo bgn awal...ahahhah
