Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Kalo laaa sy seorang nerd...kan ke best...x yah pk2 nk study ke x?...study je tros..x yah pk ade tute ke x arinih?...tros je pegi hospital..kalo dr tanye pape soalan, x yah pk2 dah,x yah blakon mcam tgh berpk...direct je bleh jwb...sbb sy kan nerd...sure sy dh abes bace sume buku2 yg sy pinjam kat library tuh...

tp malangnye, (sy hanya merancang, tuhan yg menentukan)...sbb sy manusia yg suke merancang, jd sy asek merancang je utk jd nerd..tp x pnah berjaye...sy slalu ckp, before start buat paeds, sy nk abeskan bace sume buku2 paeds...WTH???camane tah sy bleh terpk nk wat statement tuh..bukan skali..byk kali sy ckp camtuh...kesannye, asek2 ade je org quote statement yg sy pnah buat tuh...how unrealistic I can be?macam laa x knal diri sendiri nih macam mane...dh 23 thn idop pon stil xtau success rate dlm sy punye plan2 utk blaja bersungguh2 nihh...isyhh...kenape sy buat medicine??nih soalan yg paling slalu ditanyekan kepade med student...jawapan standard sy,"sy go with the flow je.."...hmm...sbb sbenar adalah....mase time SPM tuh sy sgt risau kalo sy x dpt A1 bio...rase mmg impossible aa utk berjaya jwb soalan2 tuh..lgpon byk soalan sy tinggal teros...sy mmg macam tuh, kalo x tau jwpn sy tinggal je...mmg sy xde aa nk tembak2 nih...sbb tuh x suke soalan subjektif...kalo ade soalan subjektif camtuh slalunye sy bleh bajet aa akan dpt markah around bape...sbb mmg akan jwb ape yg sy tahu je..(mmg xde cikgu yg ajar student utk tinggal jwpn kosong kalo x tau)...berbalik kepade cerite SPM bio tuh,sy pon berjanji, kalo sy miraculously dpt A1, sy akan dengar kate mak sy kalo die suro sy buat med...hahahha...vague laa jugak senanye...of course laa mak sy x kan pakse sy buat med...tp sy tahu that's what she wants...lgpon sy pecaye kalo kite dgr kate our parents, insyaAllah jln kite akan dimudahkan..

rupe2nye best jugak tules merapu2 nih..flight of ideas...ala2 manic sket nih..hahahah

So today is Easter Tuesday which is a university holiday but not a public holiday...sy pon ikot je laa jejak langkah kwn2 sy yg x pegi hospital arinih....since dr smalam sy berazam utk memulakan aktiviti pembalajaran...jd sy pon in denial laa....sy tdo je dlm duvey tuh,x bgn2...walopon sy sbenarnye bleh dgr diorg sume bercerite...dgr sarah bergayot ngan paih...dgr asma' bertanye,"muni nih x nk bgn ke?"

anyway, plan sy harinih adelah utk menyiapkan 3 directed learning activities(DLA)....Audiology, Abdominal Pain (surgery) n apetah satu lg topic tuh....pastu sy nk go through the paediatric clinical examination made easy tuh...sbb esok ade Clinical bedside tute(CBT)..pastu sy pon blom buat lg HSM nye task (Health Service Management & Policy)...benci2...x suke laa management2 nih..tp sedar2 dlm2 sy berfacebook, main Mafia Wars....mase berlalu dgn pantas...sedar2 dh asar...sempat ke nk buat sume nih??

other than that, sy ingat lepas nih nk cube menjalani gaya hidup yg sihat...
1) Tido: sy nk bgn awal..(tp arinih x leh start tdo awal lg sbb td bgn tdo lmbt sgt..nih kene start progressively)...let's say kalo bgn pkol 6...sempat laa smayang, n then jogging 3 round padang...mandi...pastu bleh take my own sweet time utk bersiap2...xde aa rushing2...smp pakai tudung pon selebet2..dlm bas br nk btolkan...n bile smp hospital nmpk laa muke x fresh...muke bgn tdo yg sgt dull...kalo sy bgn awal, sy ade cukup mase utk pakai makeup sket2...at least nmpk laa ceria sket..xde aa nmpk x ikhlas je pegi hospital tuh...lgpon koleksi makeup sy tuh boleh dikatekan tidak bergerak...malahan ade je tambahan2...ini satu pembaziran yg harus dihentikan!!pastu mase kat dlm bus tuh bleh laa sy bace2 buku paeds sket, x de laa sebok nk tdo or btolkan2 tudung etc...
2) DLA: tiap2 ari sy akan bace 2 DLAs...termasuk laa notes yg org lain buat n referencenye skali (ahahahhahaha...possible ke tuh)
3) Patients: time sy kat hospital tuh...sy nk practise interviewing & examining the kids n their parents...n kalo ade kes yg sy x familiar, balk rumah tros check dlm buku...n then sy akan study diorgnye developmental milestones..sy akan make sure utk pegi at least either one of the special care nursery or the paediatric ward...
4) Tute: sy akan attend sume tutes yg ade..n sy akan contribute...pastu sy akan volunteer aa skali skale kalo dr suro buat pape (hhahaha..ye laa sgt)
5) Signatures: I'll try to do all the procedures n tasks tuh mase kat frankston (maknenye ade 2 weeks n a half aa lg nih)..nnt time sy kat Monash Medical Centre (MMC) xde laa sy struggling nk carik patients etc..maybe bende2 yg mmg xde opportunity langusng utk buat kat frankston br sy akan leave it till I'm at MMC..
6) Mengaji: nih satu lg bende yg sy mmg x consistent...kalo bulan puase kompem satu juzuk sehari...tp kalo bulan2 biase nih..bace pon x...maybe seminggu skali kot..sy nye memory pon dh makin lemah..sume surah2 yg I used to memorise mmg dh x bape ingt...apart from that, dah lame dh bercite2 nk hafal juz amma..tp x buat2 gak...other surahs yg mmg supposedly dh hafal pon sudah keciciran...inikan pule juz amma....hopefully before start ramadhan this yr sy bleh bace tanpe tersangkut2 or melompat dr satu ke surah yg lain (nih sshnye bile byk syat same dlm al-Quran nih) sume surah2 juz amma n other 8 surahs lain yg pnah dihafal satu ketika dahulu...
7) Diet: lately, kerana kemalasan, sy sungguh malas utk masak veggies...padahal bleh je makan carrots raw..tp tuh pon sy x buat..tau2 jebile lapar tuh x bleh tahan dh..tros makan dgn lahapnye...

tuh je yg sy pk skang nih....I'm sure ade byk lg...

honestly, sy sungguh x sabar utk menghabiskan the remaining 2 and a half weeks kat Frankston..sungguh x berminat utk hangout ngan rakan2 di frankston yg hampir kesemuanye nerd!!

Ok Moony...sudah2 laa merapu di blog ini...buat laa bende2 productive sket...ade 3DLAs yg nk buat today kan...

kawan2 sume, kalo korang nmpk aku membuang mase jwb quiz kat facebook ke, korang perli2 laa aku....korang ckp cannih,"Moony, ko sure ke bleh pass sem nih?nk ke extend setahun lg?x dpt pengajaran lg ke tgk org2 repeat women's n children's health tuh?"ok...ok...please korang...(walopon ade je probability aku serabut ngan reminder korang lalu aku pon invi kat ym...ahahah..tp korang kan true friends..kene laa bersabar...saling menasihati...)

PS: senanye kalo half of this tercapai pon dh kire satu kejayaan besar bg aku...


  1. ape ko merepek ni muni...haha

  2. kan2....aku pon rase aku dh gile...

  3. "rupe2nye best jugak tules merapu2 nih..flight of ideas...ala2 manic sket nih..hahahah"



    I think its a normal thing to do. Set standards high gile2, and kalau achieve half of that, dah kire bagus dah. Even nerds pon falter jugak.

  4. i usually achieve only one tenth of what I was aiming for..
    maybe I should dream of becoming a world-renowned surgeon..so that I'll be a Malaysian-renowned...
    anyway, as of today I only managed to wake up early, attend tute & eat green-leafy veggie!!!

  5. bahasa melayu yg tunggang langgang!!
