Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New rotation

it has been almost a week since my last entry...i've been thinking of what to write almost every day when I'm out of the house but didn't get to do the writing itself when I'm home..instead, I play Mafia Wars...and I organize my life around it...e.g: I postpone my bedtime in order to wait for the energy or stamina needed to get into the next level...I wouldn't go to sleep because the next time I wake up, I would have too many energy which would go wasted as I only need a few more..all the energy & stamina will be refilled once I get to a new level...(I know2...I'm being stupid...but this is me...that's what I do when I'm addicted to something)

I'm starting on a new rotation this week..I will be doing paediatrics for the next 9 weeks...(good bye vaginas, uterus, breasts etc)..I'm attached to Frankston hospital which is very new to me..I'm pretty scared as I'm not familliar with the hospital, my newgroupmates and as much as I love kids, I'm not sure if I'm competent to communicate with children..I wouldn't be worried talking to them in Malay but I have a limited vocabulary when it comes to colloquial English...

I'm gonna continue writing this entry in Malay (so much for wanting to improve my English) as aku nk bercerite pasal bdak2 yg buat rotation same ngan aku nih....in case kalo diorg google name diorg sendirik n terjumpe plak aku punye blog...aku just nk tules ape 1st impression aku terhadap diorg...kitorg sume skali ade 6 org...Jon, Vik, Gila, Jess, Kush & aku...

1) Jon: mat salleh yg kacak, tinggi (6ft 4), suke senyum, peramah, sopan santun & nmpk cam agak laid-back...die mmg jenis yg sgt charming ngan sume org...smp makcik jual coffee kat cafe tuh pon bleh knal die (last yr die attached to this hospital gak)...die juge sgt gentleman, mmg jenis yg akan bukakkan pintu & suro ppuan sume jln dulu...aku yakin the nurses wouldnt give him a hard time!

2)Vik: mamat nih Indian...so far aku x berjaye lg utk suke kat mamat nih..let's see if perception aku akan berubah...die pon tinggi gak (6ft+)..sopan santun tp jenis yg nmpk cam lembut...mmg nmpk x macho abes aa...gelak pon ala2 ppuan...die agak dikenali aa dlm batch kitorg sbb die jenis yg suke mencapub & involve dlm med student nye clubs...aku pnah ade experience yg x bape best sgt ngan die, mase aku tgk org bersalin anak kembar tuh die dtg menyebok...pastu since aku dok kat dlm suite dr pkol 8am n die plak pkol 1pm br dtg, doctor tuh suro aku stay...die plak cam bengang sbb aku yg dpt tgk lalu die mintak ngan aku bleh x aku tgk 1st twin & die tgk second...ape barang???ade plak nk share camtuh..mane der org blaja sparuh2...of course laa aku terpakse setuju...pastu the next day aku dgr sorang bdak med nih bercerite pasal incident aku ngan Vik kat delivery suite tuh...maybe die bercerite sbb die bengang ngan doctor (bukan ngan aku) yg x kasik 2 org med students in the suite at one time tp still aku x bape suke aa...pastu plak bile aku jumpe si Vik nih again kat Frankston die cam kerek plak ngan aku...bile kitorg tukar2 no hp, die x bother pon nk amek no aku...maybe because die malas nk kuarkan hp n no org lain sume die dh ade..tp still...kesimpulannye aku mmg x suke aa kat die...

3)Gila: seorang minah yahudi (Y) yg paling lebai aa dlm semua minah2 Y dlm batch aku...ramai org x suke kat die sbb die jenis yg suke bertanye smp menyebabkan tute abes lambat...aku x pnah same tute ngan die lg sblom nih....tp aku dgr die mmg baik pon..cume aku mmg syak wasangka terhadap kaum itu...stakat nih die mmg paling byk berckp ngan aku...among the girls aku paling suke die aaa..

4)Jess: sorang lg minah Y...ade org kate die agak sombong...maybe sbb muke die kot yg macam kene senyum br nmpk mesra...die nih Y yg x mengamalkan ajaran sgt..baju die pon agak x menutup aurat...x cam Gila yg slalu pakai skirt labuh tuh...ade ke si Gila tuh mintak tukar roster sbb die ade perayaan agama minggu depan, pastu si Jess nih plak volunteer nk ganti..x ke die patot beraye gak...ahahhaha...aku rase ok je kot Jess nih...jumaat nih aku akan pegi paeds surg consultation ngan die..maybe kitorg akan bonding aa kot time tuh..

5)Kush:nih indian gak...or maybe Sri Lankan...minah nih aku pnah same clinical skills tute mase 2nd yr....tp aku x rase die ingt name aku...maybe sbb aku byk skip tute..n time aku dtg die plak skip...aku x bape suke style die ckp gedik2 tuh...pastu plak die baik ngan Vik...

Anyway, nih first aku dok dlm tute bersame ngan ppuan locals n I'm the tallest among the girls...klaka laa jugak tgk dlm our group, the guys sume tinggi2..girls pendek2...

I don't know if paediatrics is my thing or not...we'll see in the next 9 weeks!!


  1. moony, aku faham perasaan addict ko tu.. sebab aku pernah berada di tahap sebegitu, tapi aku nye fashion wars la.. ayu sket, hehe.. mafia wars aku bukak bile fashion wars aku dah takleh buat ape2..

  2. best gile ke fashion wars tuh..aku slalu gak dgr org main...
    if only laa kan aku addicted to learning medicine...indahnye dunie....

  3. korang addicted to game. Aku edikted kat drama bersiri. Gile la kalau aku tgh sasau. tgh lecture, tgh makan, aku pk ape yg bakal terjadi. kalo cerita tgh sedih, sedihlah aku. kalo tgh gembire, gembirelah aku. gile9.

  4. drama bersiri ape yg ko addicted??
    aku addicted to kasanova XXL!!!
    tp dh habes dh...sedih plak aku xde dah hiburan mingguan aku...

  5. so angoh, is t your thing? paeds? is it is it is it???!!! hihi
    anywho, u've been tagged!
