Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bile Headprefect Suro Aku Check Her Case Report

I'm running out of ideas actually...
I remembered Koyan's entry entitled something like, "Bile Headprefect kate aku geek"...
I just spent 30mins of my time reading through my headprefect's 2000words case report...
Not that I had done anything much with her well-written report (as what you would expect out of the best student) but it does feel good being offered the opportunity to correct her work..ahahahha


  1. hahaha...moony!!tak tau lak ade blog..tgk blog koyan,br tau.NICE! owhhhh if cmni,nak minta moony checkkan my essays/assignments yg berlambak ni gak le..eeehehe just kidding! dh slamat anta..ni nak start final exam dah..all da best to u too,my moonsis!take cr

  2. owh moonsis!!sudah hampir 2 thn tidak ketemu dikau...eyh ape nih konye blog private ke ape??invite laa aku..moony_colt@hotmail.com...
    bestkan ketemu rakan2 di alam blog ini??ahahaha...
    all the best for the exam...akunye in 6weeks' time..

  3. moony.. blog aku prob..abih ilang sume link kat friends list aku. aku tak dpt tgk update blog2 korang. hampeh!

  4. lahai..patot aa..aku cam ingtkan ko yg buang..aku kadang2 click blog sape2 thru ko nye link..skang aku prasan aa dh xde..
