Sunday, February 22, 2009

No Baby No Cry

I guess it doesn't fair for me to talk only of the mothers...
Fathers do deserve some credits for without them there won't be babies...

One thing I always observe in labour is the role played by the baby's father in supporting the mother...some are great..they just know what helps and what not...some are clueless...

Nonetheless, one thing I love to see is when the father is cuddling the most favourite part is when they shed a few drops of tears while holding the baby in their arms...I personally doesn't like guys who cry, but this is an exceptional case..even a desirable one!!I dare to say those who doesn't aren't real man..well at least for their first baby...I always want to capture those moments with my D80 but never had the chance...I guess I won't have the chance anymore as any future deliveries where I'm in that suite, I would have to be the one performing the more clean hands for the camera...


  1. should we hire photographer to capture those beautiful moments>?? Aku harap laki aku nangiss.. kakakak...
    wah..indahnya menyambut bayi.. sonoknye jadik ko

  2. yup2...I have to say it's one of the best moments in life...
    kalo kat OT(when they had to deliver through caesarean section, they take a picture of the father cutting the cord and they print it out in the theatre kan..

    tp kan is, kite kene make sure kite decently dressed laa kot kalo nk in the picture as well..hehe..

  3. haha. aku plak suke kalu terbayang when husband azankan anak dia yg baru lahir. kalu laki aku, sure aku dah nangis terharu kalu tgk. =P

  4. heehehe...aku terlupe plak pasal azan tuh sbb asek tgk mat salleh je beranak..
    since kite ade nk azan2 nih...menambahkan reason kenape kene cr yg bersuare sedap...

  5. wah, bestnye to see such beautiful and magical moments..and cute babies too!!lucky you!!aku pon akan terharu bila tgk a guy's tears of's manly anyway, at least for me..
